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ahoy there



I am getting calls from my mom and dad some worried people wondering if i have fallen off the face of the planet……

but do not despair…..

if you are still checking in to read this here blog…..good news.

This is a new post.

Note to self: Call mom and mother-in-law and inform them that there is updated blog post.

I will admit….i’ve taken a breather…….and sitting here to write has not been at the top of my priority list….

i want you to know that sometimes i sit down to write out a post….but my mind goes blank…..

and i lost my thoughts into jumped up sentences that don’t flow here or there…..so i leave it unpublished…

and for that i apologize.

I know our time here is short…..and i have this overwhelming urge to write it all down so that not a moment is forgotten

but then when i do sit down….i know that this goes worldwide and for some odd reason or another…..

our story seems to be just that.

just a story

but one thing i know for sure is that our story is pretty awesome and i wouldn’t change it for the world.

So…..if you are still here reading…..i thank you.

Sometimes i just need breathers like everyone else……..

Note to self: don’t drink vodka then write…..breathers means breather…..

my home needs to be cleaned……i still work a part time job……

the kids still need to get to places and there is the beach that we have a date with every other day.

Let me get you all caught up on these last few weeks.

check check

First of all……grapefruit juice and vodka with just a teeeeny tiny bit of ginger is still really good….

and i would just like to say it’s healthy and because of the medicinal effects of what is in the grapefruit….

with the added benefit of a dash {or more} of vodka because as we all know….

vodka keeps the germs away.

You know the old saying……

an apple a day…….

a little bit of vodka a day keeps the doctor away

Note to self: Out of vodka…..buy more.

IMG_0784Sorry….back to our regularly scheduled program.

How was your Holiday?


Is it really almost the end of January….for crying out loud?!?

I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that it is now 3rd weed of January.

Sorry….i didn’t mean WEED….i meant week.

It must be the freshly squeezed ginger talking…..

but anyhoo.

Christmas eve the kids and i hopped on a red eye flight to Florida to see the grandparents.

It was their gift from Nanna and Poppy….and seeing that they couldn’t really fly 11 hours solo….i decided to

tag along with them.

Thank you Nanna and Poppy.

We boarded a red eye flight Christmas night and the entire flight was empty.….

as in….

there were a grand total of 45 people on a flight that normally holds over 150…..so as you can imagine….

a red eye flight and three tired kids…..

they each claimed their own row….laid down and slept the entire flight to Phoenix.

I stayed up and had 2 glasses of wine and watched the movie.

I sorta figured i could catch up on sleep at another time…..because how often am i by myself

with a movie and the beverage cart not far from row 26.

that’s right….

i fell asleep about an hour from landing and let me just say the next flight from Phoenix to Florida was a little rough.



i will never do that again.


in the history of the world


but we will…..because we had an amazing time.



We didn’t land till early evening on the 26th…..and needless to say….i might have crawled right into bed.

The next morning we all slept in…..

{can i get an AMEN to the 5 hour time change going EAST}

and once we got up and dressed……Bryan’s dad loaded us up and wanted to take us out on the boat.

We also knew that we probably only had one or two days of sunshine before weather was supposed to hit

the area…..so we soaked up the sunshine…..

in our sweaters and hats.

IMG_0589Note to self:  Remember to tell mom that those are not beer cans in the above photo, just coke cans.

on one of the days we hit the farmers market……

and needless to say……

i was introduced to my very first ever red velvet donut.

I still wake up at night thinking about those things………
IMG_0621they were in fact the best thing i’ve ever had since the introduction to the Hanalei.

trust me

We also did things like visit the Loggerhead marine center in Juno where we saw a bunch of rescued Loggerhead turtles…

we took a diva duck tour around Palm Beach…..

i even snuck out one evening and met a friend for drinks and then went to the movies




and i saw Les Mis.

It was wonderful.


And on our very last night in Florida……….

{let me remind you we were only there for 5 whole days…..and not a single minute longer……}

my friend turned soul sister who would be my sister wife if we ever moved to Florida

invited the kids and i over for an evening at the Farm.

{you might remember my original post about Fig & Fauna from last summer}

anyhoo……Megan had us over and this time i brought the kids with me.

Note to self: must buy a farm in near future.


that is Megan above with her inspiration wall.

She doesn’t know it yet…..but i stole a few of those photos from the wall…..so if you are reading this post

Megan then i am sorry but i’m not giving them back.

well….i might give them back…..but i will need fresh eggs in return.

no pressure or anything



The best part about the farm were the rabbits……


who knew that kids could stay occupied for hours just playing with rabbits….

carrying them around like babies and loving on them.

Note to self: get a few rabbits


This photo below is what my family would look like it i had one more child……

note to self: Talk bryan into having a vasectomy reversal


but i don’t……

except i do know one thing……

Fin left the farm that night thinking he had a new girlfriend.

Little Dane might not know it yet……but Fin has her photo on his inspiration wall;-)

wink wink

just kidding mom……he does not have an inspiration wall.

{he keeps all his photos in his underwear drawer and the kid doesn’t even wear underwear so this is awkward}

Note to self: Have Fin start wearing underwear

Note to self again: Check and see if any kids are wearing underwear



I don’t know if i have ever mentioned the fact that Lola does not eat pork.

She tried to go vegetarian last summer but realized that in the event that we would ever go to McDonalds

again that she would never be able to have chicken nuggets she traded in that option and instead 

declared herself a Pork free eater.

It’s because of her love of pigs.

Megan had 2 pigs……huge ones……Wallace and Gromit……

and at Megan’s farm…..they do in fact….eat the chickens and pigs and whatnot.

One of the first questions out of Lola’s mouth the minute we started hanging with the pigs was

“you don’t eat the pigs do you”?????????

Megan looked at me…..

i looked at Megan……

and i had my friend tell a lie.

I still feel horrible about that.

because you know…..people do eat pigs…..the pigs that they raise and it is a farm for crying out loud……

so thank you Megan…..because one little white lie helped keep Lola from crying right then and there and the whole

farm visit would have gone down hill fast.



I didn’t get many photos this last trip of the inside of her house…..

it was getting dark fast and the light was fading……

plus the fact that Megan had served us up some cocktails and those needed tending to.








back home here on Kauai…..life is going on as normal for the Buick family…..

these photos pretty much sum up our life ……

which is always how i’ve imagined it would.

Happy kids…..that are thriving and enjoying life to the fullest…….

{of course report cards just came home …….so there might not be good times for one child……}





Note to self: Life is good

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